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29 Primary Schools Benefit from over 29,000 books in May and June 2018

May and June 2018 have been very busy for Ihezie Foundation with 29,000 children’s books and literacy books donated to 27 primary schools throughout Milton Keynes UK. Our focus with UK primary schools has been to increase literacy in response to the worrying drop in literacy levels in the UK where one in four students can’t read well by the time they’re 11 years old. The teachers and children had the following to say:

"We have created reading nooks in classrooms where children can enjoy books in the same way. Our teachers have also enjoyed using and reading the books with the children. We have children from very deprived homes, these children do not have access to books at home. Your donation has enabled us to provide the books our children need to read at home and continue their literary journey with the support of their families.” – Pippa Villa, Headteacher, Newton Leys Primary School Milton Keynes

“Ihezie Foundation, thank you so much for all the wonderful books you donated. So many children don’t have enough money to buy these amazing books that you donated to us.” – Sarah, Year 4“I can’t believe you donated 2,000 books to our school. I think you are the greatest charity in the world.” – Bethany, Year 4

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